Heritage Episodes

March 19, 2024

The past informs the present, the present informs the past - Caroline…

Caroline Nicolay discusses natural building and archaeology. We explore ancient techniques like mineral pigments and casein paints, debunking stereotypes of primitive living. Caroline shares her experiential archaeology journ...

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Oct. 17, 2023

Joining the Dots: Nature, History & Craft [Pt2] - Sally Coulthard - B…

Ever felt weary in a dull, grey office? Touched a piece of handcrafted wood and felt a strange sense of connection? Wondered why a bottle of earthworm medicine from the 1700s is significant? Our guest, Sally Coulthard, has! A...

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Oct. 17, 2023

Joining the Dots: Nature, History & Craft [Pt1] - Sally Coulthard - B…

Prepare to be enlightened as we enter the captivating world of sustainability and crafting with best-selling author and countryside expert, Sally Coulthard. Sally breaks the mould with her diverse interests, sharing her journ...

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July 25, 2023

Designing the Future: Creativity and Innovation in Sustainability - H…

What if we told you that the journey to sustainability involves more than just recycling and reducing emissions? Prepare to be enthralled as we navigate through transformational narratives of businesses pivoting towards susta...

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May 16, 2023

Finding inspiration in Heritage traditions - Peter Kovacs - BS099

I'm talking with Peter Kovacs about his product design, tool making and taking inspiration from heritage techniques and materials. Peter's Philosophy - "Our tools allow us to create beautiful objects out of raw materials. The...

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March 5, 2023

Old House Retrofit - Marianne Suhr - BS098

Marianne Suhr is a Chartered Building Surveyor specialising in the repair of older buildings. We talk about the role of a building surveyor, the SPAB and how to go about sympathetically retrofitting an old building. Episode l...

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Feb. 3, 2023

Designing and Building. Workwear for Women - Kirsty Cassels Pt2 - BS0…

This is the second part of my conversation with Kirsty Cassels. In this episode, we hear about Kirsty's experience as a joiner in the TV industry, her work promoting workwear for women, certifying natural products and the Pri...

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Jan. 27, 2023

Designing and Building - Kirsty Cassels Pt1 - BS096

The first of 2 episodes with designer and builder Kirsty Cassels. Pt2 will follow next week when I am back in the country. Follow Kirsty's work on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/building_cassels/ https://www.instag...

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Jan. 10, 2023

Make it at Market - Shannon Berry - BS095

The second part of my conversation with Shannon Berry was about her experience on BBC's - 'Make it to Market' and her learning difficulties. Episode Links BBC Make it at Market - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001gq6s Shan...

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Nov. 7, 2022

Charcoal & Biochar - Duncan Goulder & Sam Ansell - BS088

The 3rd and final coppice focussed episode is with Duncan and Sam from The Coppice Co-op. We are predominantly talking about Charcoal in this episode, its history, its uses and the ways to make it. This episode is part of a t...

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Nov. 7, 2022

Spelk Basketry - Lorna Singleton - BS087

Lorna Singleton is a coppice worker, basket maker and green woodworker. Specialising in Spelk Basketry - About Lorna - "I am one of the UK’s last remaining ‘swillers’, a specialist in weaving baskets using coppiced oak. From ...

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Nov. 7, 2022

Coppicing with BHMAT - Kath Morgan & Mike Carswell - BS086

In this episode we hear from Kath Morgan who is the coordinator and administrator for the Bill Hogarth Memorial Apprenticeship Trust and Mike Carswell, a coppice worker and former BHMAT apprentice. At the end of August 2022 I...

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June 16, 2022

Contemporary Vernacular Design - Clare Nash - BS081

The second Episode with Architect Clare Nash this time discussing the findings from her book Contemporary Vernacular Design How British Housing Can Rediscover Its Soul The book presents 25 inspirational housing schemes provid...

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Jan. 18, 2022

How to add Insulation to your home - Part 1- Ben Kerslake - BS067

With energy prices soaring, everybody has good reason to be thinking about adding more insulation to their home. In this episode we are discussing the best types of insulation for your home and the pros and cons of some diffe...

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Jan. 18, 2022

How to add Insulation to your home - Part 2 - Ben Kerslake - BS068

Part 2! (Check out episode 67 for Part 1) With energy prices soaring, everybody has good reason to be thinking about adding more insulation to their home. In this episode we are discussing the best types of insulation for you...

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