Noel Isherwood

Noel Isherwood Profile Photo


Living and working in Swansea, Noel has been a Chartered Architect since 1984. He studied Architecture at Canterbury School of Architecture and won the Third Year RIBA Student Prize. Following this he studied at the Architectural Association in London, including urbanism, where he received his AA Diploma.

Noel has worked on numerous architectural projects, particularly in the private residential, including historic buildings sector, but also in other sectors, and has contributed to urban design projects and studies in collaboration with specialist consultants. He has extensive experience in bringing together diverse stakeholder interests to produce realisable visions to create low carbon communities and sustainable buildings on brown field, green field and heritage sites and has led workshops with and for the Prince’s Foundation and others to assist in the delivery of Neighbourhood Plans with local communities across England. More recently he has partnered on a high street regeneration project in Swansea.

He has lectured extensively, internationally, on sustainable architectural and urban design and taught Urbanism at postgraduate level on a part time basis at the University of Cardiff and the University of South Wales.

He has also co-authored the “Strasbourg Report, Regaining the public realm,” available here:

He is also an artist, a proficient architectural and urban illustrator and watercolourist.

July 10, 2019

Creating new sustainable towns - Noel Isherwood - BS006

In this episode we talk to architect, Noel Isherwood. The discussion is largely based around Poundbury, which is the expansion of Dorchester. It was designed for humans and community, not cars. We talk about some of the ideas...