Sukita Reay Crimmel

Sukita Reay Crimmel Profile Photo

Earth Floor Guru

Claylin has come out of the work of Sukita Reay Crimmel and From These Hands, llc. Since 2006 Sukita has focused on understanding earthen floors, with the intension of bringing a ready mix product to the market. From These Hands, llc is an electric crew of earthen enthusiasts who have helped Sukita create Clayin.

Sukita would like to acknowledge and thank Robert Bolman for her first earthen floor experience in 2000 in Eugene Oregon, a life changing winter day, Bill Steen for ongoing feedback, support and inspiration and Chad Tate for his floor brothership, always willing to talk out issues with a smile!

July 13, 2020

Earth floors are the most sustainable floors - Sukita Reay Crimmel - …

Full show notes available at: This week I am talking with earth floor expert Sukita Reay Crimmel. Sukita has laid thous...

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