This is the second part of my conversation with Kirsty Cassels. In this episode, we hear about Kirsty's experience as a joiner in the TV industry, her work promoting workwear for women, certifying natural products and the Pri...
The first of 2 episodes with designer and builder Kirsty Cassels. Pt2 will follow next week when I am back in the country. Follow Kirsty's work on instagram here: https://www.instag...
Shannon Berry trained as an architect but I met her as a pole lathe bowl turner. You might know her from BBC's Make It at Market. Episode links I...
This is the first of 3 episodes with Gervase Wangwana - a Retrofit specialist, Airtightness tester and reformed DJ. Part 2 will look more into ventilation and part 3 is all about air tightness. Become a Patreon supporter in ...
Today I'm joined by Clare Nash who describes herself as an "Architect creating dream eco-homes, barn conversions plus environmental and community focused housing schemes" Today we are talking about how to find a work/life bal...
The second Episode with Architect Clare Nash this time discussing the findings from her book Contemporary Vernacular Design How British Housing Can Rediscover Its Soul The book presents 25 inspirational housing schemes provid...
Building Physicist and certified PassivHaus designer Es Tresidder is back to discuss his EnerPHit retrofit project on his family home. We discuss what he's doing and what he has learned from pulling apart his home to do the ...
It's a commonly held belief that adding mass into your building will make it more energy efficient. In this episode I talk with Es Tresidder about whether this is true and when extra mass in your building can be beneficial. A...
Virginia is a qualified architect, project manager, BREEAM AP and ISO14001 Lead Auditor, with a lifelong passion for sustainability. She is the author of SustainABLE: How to Find Success as a Sustainability Professional in a ...
Today we talk about mindful spaces and biophilic meditation with Sophie Lacey. Sophie has been running her own freelance copywriting and content writing business for nearly 15 years, working with a variety of lifestyle brands...
Sigi Koko is the principal designer of Down to Earth Design, which she founded in 1998 to help her clients manifest their dreams of living in a natural, healthy home. She works exclusively on projects that are natural, ener...
Sigi Koko is the principal designer of Down to Earth Design, which she founded in 1998 to help her clients manifest their dreams of living in a natural, healthy home. She works exclusively on projects that are natural, ener...
We discuss the report created by Material Cultures and ARUP which examines the potential positive impacts of a bioregional construction economy, from improvements in biodiversity to an increase in construction jobs and securi...
In this episode John explains the principles and requirements of Passivhaus construction. He dispels some common myths and goes into some of the nuances of how its achieved. Does living in a passivhaus mean living in a bubble...
The construction industry needs a shake up. Not just in the materials that are used but in the cultures within the industry. We talk about George and Summer's take on how we should be constructing and discuss their design for...