Today I talk with Emily Reynolds, author of 'Japan's Clay Walls: A Glimpse into their Plaster Craft' - This is part 1 of 2! Today we discuss trowels, bamboo backing, Links Japanese Earthen Plaster Exchange
Show notes available at: In this episode I talk with Will Stanwix - Co-author of 'The Hempcrete book - Designing and building with hemp l...
Show notes available at: In this episode I talk with Will Stanwix - Co-author of 'The Hempcrete book - Designing and building with hemp l...
Full show notes available at: This week I am talking with earth floor expert Sukita Reay Crimmel. Sukita has laid thous...
This week we have a conversation with mud mason, Becky Little from Rebearth . "Rebearth is a Scottish company founded by mud mason Becky Little. We specialise in building, art and education using raw earth and natural materia...
Claire O'Neill is a director at 'A Greener Festival' a not-for-profit company, committed to helping events, festivals and venues around the world to become more sustainable and to reduce environmental impacts. As pioneers in ...
In the second of our birthday / lockdown triple bill... I have a conversation with Beth Williams, who is a 'Structural Engineer + Certified PassivHaus Designer. Passionate about diversity in construction, timber engineering a...
It's Building Sustainability's first birthday & most of the world is on lockdown... So this month sees a triple Building Sustainability podcast release to celebrate / occupy your mind. The first of this month's episodes is: L...
Flo Hamer lives in a tiny house, it measures 4.8m x 2.4m - It contains everything she needs - kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and lounge. It's a normal house, but tiny. For images check out her instagram -
Adrian Leaman from talks to us about his journey into the world of roundwood timber framing and green woodworking in general. We go off some wonderful tangents and end up with Adrian discussing his natural bu...
In this month's Building Sustainability podcast we talk with Kiko Denzer. Kiko is perhaps best known as the author of ' Build Your Own Earth Oven' - (A book that made it into our favourite books l...
Natural builder, Bee Rowan talks to us about Ecococoon straw bale panels. These prefabricated panels are load bearing and highly insulating - the result is being able to build the entirety of your eco home in 2 days! We also ...
This month sees us talking to Judith Thornton from Aberystwyth University. Judith is looking at alternative natural insulators that can be grown. She has a particular interest in how we stop biodegradable materials biodegradi...
Emma Appleton has drawn up a list of 100 ways to make an anti capitalist building site. We discuss some of the issues that exist on current building sites and the larger effects, then we delve more deeply into Emma's list to ...
One Planet Development is a welsh planning policy which enables those wishing to live off the land to buy agricultural land and build a house. Chris Vernon has not only just done this, but also runs the One Planet Council to ...