Natural Materials Episodes

March 13, 2020

Community Wood Recycling - Ben Moss - BS012

This month we talk to Ben Moss from Bristol Wood Recycling Project (BWRP). Ben set up the recycling project in 2004 with the aims of: Recycling timber from the waste stream, Promoting social inclusion, Being self funding Prov...

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Nov. 25, 2019

Building a tiny house - Flo Hamer - BS010

Flo Hamer lives in a tiny house, it measures 4.8m x 2.4m - It contains everything she needs - kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and lounge. It's a normal house, but tiny. For images check out her instagram -

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Oct. 25, 2019

Roundwood Timber Framing - Adrian Leaman - BS009

Adrian Leaman from talks to us about his journey into the world of roundwood timber framing and green woodworking in general. We go off some wonderful tangents and end up with Adrian discussing his natural bu...

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Sept. 12, 2019

Earth Ovens, Philosophies and Stories - Kiko Denzer - BS008

In this month's Building Sustainability podcast we talk with Kiko Denzer. Kiko is perhaps best known as the author of ' Build Your Own Earth Oven' - (A book that made it into our favourite books l...

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Aug. 13, 2019

Prefabricated straw panels & magic mud - Bee Rowan - BS007

Natural builder, Bee Rowan talks to us about Ecococoon straw bale panels. These prefabricated panels are load bearing and highly insulating - the result is being able to build the entirety of your eco home in 2 days! We also ...

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June 13, 2019

Growing the perfect insulation - Judith Thornton - BS005

This month sees us talking to Judith Thornton from Aberystwyth University. Judith is looking at alternative natural insulators that can be grown. She has a particular interest in how we stop biodegradable materials biodegradi...

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April 9, 2019

One Planet Development - Chris Vernon - BS002

One Planet Development is a welsh planning policy which enables those wishing to live off the land to buy agricultural land and build a house. Chris Vernon has not only just done this, but also runs the One Planet Council to ...

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April 5, 2019

Hartwyn Natural Builders - BS001

Jeffrey is joined by his colleague Joe Duirwyn to discuss how their company, Hartwyn, uses a unique student model to train future natural builders on their live builds. They discuss how Hartwyn's free training program benefit...

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