Permaculture Episodes

Feb. 22, 2021

ByteSize - Introduction & Tiny House Plans - Jeffrey Hart - BSBS001

Welcome to this first episode of Byte Size Building Sustainability.... BSBS? I have heard a lot that people sometimes find it hard to find a hour to listen to podcasts, so these byte size episodes will run to a maximum of 10 ...

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Jan. 18, 2021

Slow manufacture for carbon capture - Full Grown - Alice & Gavin Mun…

Today I'm talking with Alice and Gavin Munro from Full Grown about their exceptional work growing complete chairs from trees. So the normal procedure is to wait 50 years for a tree to grow, chop it down and begin cutting it i...

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Sept. 21, 2020

Heritage construction using traditional techniques - Sarah Partridge …

This episode we are speaking with Sarah Partridge of Orchard Barn - Orchard barn is an off grid restoration project that is rebuilding a barn and long house using the traditional tools and technique...

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June 15, 2020

Permaculture, Building Community - Sarah Pugh - BS020

This episode is a conversation with Bristol Permaculture legend Sarah Pugh. We discuss the nuances of permaculture in a city and how permaculture is all about building communities. Black Lives Matter Links Donate to Stop Hate...

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Jan. 12, 2020

What If we imagined a better future? - Rob Hopkins - BS011

In this month's 'Building Sustainability' podcast, we talk with Rob Hopkins. A massive thanks to Rob for being such a wonderful guest... even if Google Maps tried to sabotage our meeting! Rob Hopkins is a cofounder of Transit...

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Oct. 25, 2019

Roundwood Timber Framing - Adrian Leaman - BS009

Adrian Leaman from talks to us about his journey into the world of roundwood timber framing and green woodworking in general. We go off some wonderful tangents and end up with Adrian discussing his natural bu...

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Sept. 12, 2019

Earth Ovens, Philosophies and Stories - Kiko Denzer - BS008

In this month's Building Sustainability podcast we talk with Kiko Denzer. Kiko is perhaps best known as the author of ' Build Your Own Earth Oven' - (A book that made it into our favourite books l...

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April 9, 2019

One Planet Development - Chris Vernon - BS002

One Planet Development is a welsh planning policy which enables those wishing to live off the land to buy agricultural land and build a house. Chris Vernon has not only just done this, but also runs the One Planet Council to ...

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